When it comes to managing absence cases we understand that managers & HR need clear, instructive and practical advice they can rely on.
“In our view the OH professional’s role is not to formulate a diagnosis of a medical condition but more to provide clear pragmatic advice with a resolution in mind, helping managers to make informed decisions on managing absence in the workplace".
Management Referrals
Our management referral service includes:
Our online referral and report system - removing the use of email and post enables faster turnaround and improved security.
Carying out triage to determine the best referral pathway for every case.
Access to a range of clinical pathways including OH Nurse/Advisor consultations, OH Physician consultations, face to face consultations, telephone consultations and secure video conferencing consultations.
Engagement with managers and HR - to verbally outline specific concerns, discuss redeployment options and build confidence in managers when acting on our advice.
Using a structured report format that we have developed, designed to provide line managers with clear, succinct advice without using complex medical jargon.
Conducting regular familiarisation visits to understand the complexities of your working environments, ensuring appropriate advice and recommendations made by our clinicians.