PAM OH has been invited to share our latest data on the role of occupational health for reducing sickness absence with the Westminster Employment Forum.
As the government reviews its policies for addressing long-term sickness absence, PAM OH has been invited to become part of the conversation. Imogen Cardwell, our clinical operations director, will be presenting a review of over 1,300 OH cases to Westminster later this month.
This data analysis shows the positive impact that referring people into OH, before they become too sick to work, can have on preventing absence. Overall, in-work referrals into occupational health were found to prevent two-thirds of people from going absent.
This shows just how vital supporting employees to quickly overcome the mental health and MSK issues driving absence is. However, one in six managers were found to be waiting until the employee had been off sick for at least a month before offering support.
Our message to Westminster
If the government’s £400m investment in occupational health is to succeed, it’s critical that OH is no longer used as a last resort for solving absence. Instead, we will be demonstrating to Westminster why occupational health must be a first port of call for keeping people in work.

To read the findings we will be presenting to Westminster, download a copy of our summary report The Benefits of Early Intervention for Reducing Sickness Absence

The benefits of early intervention
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